affordable international school in singapore

How To Choose The Affordable International School In Singapore For Your Child?

Your education is something that stays with you for life.  That is why parents no matter how rich or poor, strive to provide the best training to their child. With so many schools around, there is a plethora of options to choose affordable international school in singapore. Most people choose the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) board over the Indian School Certificate Examination (ISCE) as the preferred board being taught in school.

What makes CBSE the more popular Board?

  • It is an easier board and more widespread in the country,
  • The government recognises the CBSE board for employment.
  • It is taught in most parts of India in English and Hindi.
  • Entrance exams for medicine and engineering examinations are based on CBSE boards.
  • The syllabus is revised from time to time and hence is updated.
  • Majority of schools in India are affiliated to the CBSE board.

affordable international school in singapore

When you look for affordable international school in singaporefor your child, apart from the studies that the school has to offer; you would also like to focus on all the extracurricular activities that the school is involving the child in. As children grow older, the pressure of studies, tuitions and preparation for entrance examinations to get admission into a reputed college increases. Therefore, you would want to pick a school that develops your child’s overall personality and polishes them in order to be prepared for all that life will throw at them.

Suppose you are living in Singapore and are looking for the ideal school for your child, and you are looking for affordable international school in singapore, how do you go about it?Go visit the school premises and talk to the teachers and make yourself comfortable with the school. Keep in mind the distance between your place of dwelling and the school as your child will have to travel the same distance twice a day for school.

The lesser the distance the more ideal the scenario;in fact a lot of schools have a criteria that the student should be living in a specific area radius from the school.You can also search on Google to find the affordable international school in singapore and then form you own opinion with site visits. Research well before you take admission for your child; talk to parents of children studying there to get first-hand information.